Agronetto » Ventes aux enchères de tracteurs » Ventes aux enchères de mini-tracteurs » Ventes aux enchères de mini-tracteurs Iseki » Mini-tracteur Iseki TA 530 »
L'annonce Mini-tracteur Iseki TA 530 en vente aux enchères a été vendue et n'apparaît pas dans la recherche !
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mini-tracteur Iseki TA 530
mini-tracteur Iseki TA 530
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mini-tracteur Iseki TA 530 image 11
mini-tracteur Iseki TA 530 image 12
mini-tracteur Iseki TA 530 image 13
mini-tracteur Iseki TA 530 image 14
mini-tracteur Iseki TA 530 image 15
mini-tracteur Iseki TA 530 image 16
Marque: Iseki
Modèle: TA 530
Localisation: Belgique Sint-Niklaasà 6492 km de vous
Identifiant dans le stock du vendeur: A1-27733-405
Enchère 1
Date d'exécution: 2025-02-12 07:33
Date de fin: 2025-02-12 17:03
Mise en ligne: plus d'un mois
État: d'occasion

Informations supplémentaires — Mini-tracteur Iseki TA 530

Iseki mini tractor with four-wheel drive. To date just in daily use. Used condition but starts immediately and runs nicely. Runs a bit hot, probably a clogged radiator. Still some work on it externally.

= More information =

Current bid: EUR 1100

= Dealer information =

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
Mini tracteur Iseki à quatre roues motrices. À ce jour, il suffit de l’utiliser quotidiennement. État d’occasion mais démarre immédiatement et fonctionne bien. Il fait un peu chaud, probablement un radiateur bouché. Encore quelques travaux à l’extérieur.

= Information sur la société =

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
Iseki Minitraktor mit Allradantrieb. Bis heute nur im täglichen Gebrauch. Gebrauchter Zustand, springt aber sofort an und läuft gut. Läuft etwas heiß, wahrscheinlich ein verstopfter Kühler. Extern wird noch etwas daran gearbeitet.

= Firmeninformationen =

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
Mini tractor Iseki con tracción a las cuatro ruedas. Hasta la fecha solo en uso diario. Condición de uso, pero se inicia inmediatamente y funciona bien. Funciona un poco caliente, probablemente un radiador obstruido. Todavía se trabaja en ello externamente.

= Información de la empresa =

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
Mini trattore Iseki con quattro ruote motrici. Ad oggi solo nell'uso quotidiano. Usato ma si avvia immediatamente e funziona bene. Funziona un po' caldo, probabilmente un radiatore intasato. C'è ancora un po' di lavoro su di esso esternamente.

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
Iseki minitractor met vierwiel aandrijving. Tot op heden gewoon dagelijks in gebruik. Gebruikte staat maar start direct en loopt mooi. Loopt wat warm waarschijnlijk een verstropte radiator. Uiterlijk nog wat werk aan.

= Bedrijfsinformatie =

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
Mini traktor Iseki z napędem na cztery koła. Do tej pory tylko w codziennym użyciu. Używany stan, ale uruchamia się od razu i ładnie działa. Trochę się nagrzewa, prawdopodobnie zapchany grzejnik. Jeszcze trochę nad tym pracuje zewnętrznie.

= Informacje o przedsiębiorstwie =

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
Mini tractor Iseki cu tracțiune integrală. Până în prezent doar în uz zilnic. Stare folosită, dar pornește imediat și funcționează frumos. Funcționează puțin fierbinte, probabil un radiator înfundat. Încă mai lucrez la el extern.

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
Iseki minitraktor med fyrhjulsdrift. Hittills bara i daglig användning. Begagnat skick men startar direkt och går fint. Blir lite varm, förmodligen en igensatt radiator. Fortfarande en del arbete med det externt.

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
Mini-tracteurs Iseki
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Mini-tracteurs Iseki
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